Nrc Agreement State Contacts

This statement of principles outlines NRC policy to determine the adequacy and compatibility of contracting states` programs. This statement of principles specifies the meaning and use of the terms “appropriate for the protection of public health and safety” and “consistent with the NRC regulatory program” as they apply to Dies. The terms “appropriate” and “compatible” are fundamental concepts in the state programmes of the agreement approved in 1959 by Article 274 of the AEA. subsection 274d. stipulates that NRC must enter into an agreement under subsection 274b, that the NRC regulator suspends certain AEA radioactive materials and activities within a state, provided that the national public health and safety protection program is adapted and compatible with the NRC regulatory program. Subsection 274g. authorizes and orders NRC to cooperate with states in formulating standards to ensure that national and nrc radiological risk protection programs are coordinated and compatible. Subsection 274j (1) requires NRC to periodically review agreements and actions taken by states under the agreements to ensure compliance with the provisions of Section 274. NRC and States Parties are responsible for ensuring adequate protection of public health and public safety in the management of their respective regulatory programs, including the physical protection of contract equipment. As a result, NRC and contracting state programs have the necessary legislative authority, the implementation of organizational structure and procedures, and financial and human resources to effectively manage a radiation control program that ensures adequate protection of public health and safety. Click on a state (or the state code below) for the names of the contracting state and non-conventional state directors and liaison officers. 1.

The implementation of the Contracting States Programme is described below and contains: (a) principles of good regulation; b) performance evaluation on a consistent and systematic basis; (c) the responsibility to ensure adequate protection of public health and public safety, including the physical protection of contract equipment; (d) compatibility in areas of national interest; and (e) sufficient flexibility in the implementation and management of programs to meet the individual needs of the state. The text of the Agreement State Program Policy Erklurung is attached. Before granting authorization for such use, the State party conducts appropriate assessments of the proposed use of contract equipment to ensure that the proposed licensee`s needs and proposed uses of contract equipment are in compliance with the AEA and that operations can be carried out safely.