Agreement Relating To The International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Itso)

Considering that paragraph (c of Article XV of the Agreement on the International Organization of Telecommunications Satellites (INTELSAT) provides that each party, including the party in the territory of which INTELSAT is headquartered, grants appropriate privileges, immunities and immunities; Any proposed amendments are decided by the meeting of the parties in accordance with the quorum and voting provisions provided for in Article IX of this agreement. It may amend any proposed amendments distributed in accordance with point (b) of this section and make decisions regarding any changes that are not distributed in this manner, but directly relate to a proposed or amended amendment. national telecommunications utilities between areas that are not interconnected by high-speed terrestrial networks and are separated by natural barriers of such an exceptional nature that they hinder the viability of the implementation of terrestrial broadband networks between these zones, provided that permission has been granted. The main objective of this organization was the development of a single global commercial satellite telecommunications system as part of an improved global telecommunications network, which aims to ensure access to this network globally. Ensure the effectiveness of the fundamental principles for the provision of international public telecommunications services with high reliability and quality. The Tribunal`s decision, including decisions made by mutual agreement by disputes pursuant to Article 7, paragraph (g), is binding on all disputes and is implemented in good faith by them. In a case where ITSO is a Zanser and the Tribunal decides that a decision of one of its institutions is null and void because it has not been approved by this agreement or is not in accordance with this agreement, the Tribunal`s decision is binding on all contracting parties. IntelSAT`s restructuring must take into account regulatory and competitive pressure, while ensuring that universal service and access obligations can continue to be met over the long term. The restructuring led to the creation of a private entity, Intelsat S.A., and the continuation of the intergovernmental organization with a new acronym (ITSO) and a new mission.