Academic Articulation Agreements

Articulation agreements are known to admissions counsellors and school administrators in the transfer world. Ask all students on a community university campus what an articulation agreement is, and my best idea is that their answer would be a blank look. But the purpose of these agreements is to serve you and to serve you, the transfer student. Here is some information so that you know what it is about in articulation agreements. In summary, there are thousands of individual transfer guides, transfer agreements and articulation, supported by community colleges, senior institutions and training agencies. They usually focus on a particular field of study and help students who are taking two years of college (or university apprenticeship) before taking the four-year program. Transfer agreements are really guidelines that highlight recognition and partnership between schools, which deserve to be followed to avoid the often costly process of charging credits. Transfer tip: Find out what is the magic GPA number for the institutions you want to switch to and work on this AMP from the beginning of your first semester in your current school. Talk with your transfer and academic advisors about the type of associate degree that benefits you the most, as well as your plans for the future. Discover the largest database of transfer infringement agreements here on CollegeTransfer.Net.

Instead of looking for agreements spread across thousands of websites – and which are often never published publicly – we took the time to collect, codify and publish transfer agreements by institution. These agreements help open the lines of communication between Community College and the four-year institution to find the details of what transfer students need to know. In some schools, articulation agreements are called transfer agreements or transfer guides, but the principle of creation is the same: provide students with a step-by-step guide to meet the necessary course requirements and transfer credits to another school. Moving from Community College to a four-year college or university can be a challenge, but some schools are doing their best to help their students navigate it.