Generally Binding Collective Agreement

Collective agreements also include decisions on working time and overtime pay. Trade Union Pro`s collective agreements include, for example, agreements on shift work differences, travel allowances, sick pay, maternity leave benefits, leave pay and child care benefits. Agreements are usually specific to the field. They include the conditions of employment of working office workers, for example. B, in the finance, IT services, construction, metallurgical and data communication sectors. The compensation system is an integral part of the collective agreement as it defines minimum wages. Our collective agreements include exemptions from Finnish labour law and several options for deviating from the rules of collective agreements through enterprise or employment-specific agreements. Due to the obligation to protect labour, it is forbidden to become familiar with the conditions set out in collective agreements during the duration of the contract. Disputes over content or breaches of collective agreements may be referred to the labour tribunal. The jurisdiction of the labour tribunal is based on the legitimacy, validity, content, scope and correct interpretation of its clauses. The labour court may also decide on the amount of damages to be paid as a result of illegal anti-work actions. His decision is final.

Under the Collective Agreements Act, the terms of the collective agreement are mandatory for our member companies. Because of the extensive coverage of the agreements and the generally restrictive rule of the employment contract law, they also bind unrelated employers in the aforementioned branches. Although the collective agreement itself is not applicable, many of the negotiated terms relate to wages, conditions, leave, pensions, etc. These conditions are included in a worker`s employment contract (whether the worker is unionized or not); and the employment contract is of course applicable. If the new conditions are not acceptable to individuals, they may be contrary to their employer; but if the majority of workers have agreed, the company will be able to dismiss the complainants, usually unpunished. British law reflects the historically contradictory nature of labour relations in the United Kingdom. In addition, workers are concerned that the union, if it were to file a collective agreement infringement action, would be bankrupted, which would allow workers to remain in collective bargaining without representation. This unfortunate situation can change slowly, including due to EU influences. Japanese and Chinese companies, which have British factories (particularly in the automotive industry), try to pass on the company`s ethics to their workers.

[Clarification needed] This approach has been adopted by local British companies, such as Tesco. General collective agreements or frameworks are agreements that govern basic working conditions for all workers in the same sector.